Akihisa Shiono (塩野瑛久) Drawing (2024)

1. Shiono Akihisa | EXILE TRIBE Wiki - Fandom

  • Shiono Akihisa (塩野瑛久) is a Japanese actor. He is member of the acting troupe GEKIDAN EXILE. On August 12, 2021, he announced that he had joined LDH ...

  • Shiono Akihisa (塩野瑛久) is a Japanese actor. He is member of the acting troupe GEKIDAN EXILE. On August 12, 2021, he announced that he had joined LDH JAPAN.[1][2] On October 31, 2022, he joined GEKIDAN EXILE. He is the former deputy leader of the male theater troupe "Aoyama Omotesandou X" (青山表参道X).[3] Shiono Akihisa was born on January 3, 1995, in Tokyo, Japan. He has an older sister.[4] As a child, he did not have any specific dreams or career aspirations. "I wrote down various occupations that w

Shiono Akihisa | EXILE TRIBE Wiki - Fandom

2. Shiono Akihisa (塩野瑛久) - MyDramaList

Shiono Akihisa (塩野瑛久) - MyDramaList


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  • 【塩野瑛久】の公式プロフィールページです。生年月日・血液型・出身地など、塩野瑛久のプロフィール詳細や、出演情報などの最新情報をご紹介!


4. Nanao and Akihisa Shiono promote the drama "Munou no Taka" in ...

  • 3 days ago · ... 塩野瑛久さん=テレビ朝日提供. Twitterでシェア. On October 11th, actors Nanao and Shiono Akihisa took to the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo to ...

  • On October 11th, actors Nanao and Shiono Akihisa took to the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo to …

Nanao and Akihisa Shiono promote the drama

5. Shiono Akihisa - DramaWiki

  • Profile. Name: 塩野瑛久 (しおの あきひさ); Name (romaji): Shiono Akihisa; Profession: Actor; Birthdate: 1995-Jan-03 (age 29); Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan ...

6. Akihisa Shiono - VGMdb

  • Apr 22, 2024 · 塩野 瑛久 (しおの あきひさ), born on Jan 3, 1995 in Tokyo, Japan, credited in 2 albums and 1 product.

  • 塩野 瑛久 (しおの あきひさ), born on Jan 3, 1995 in Tokyo, Japan, credited in 2 albums and 1 product.

Akihisa Shiono - VGMdb

7. Shiono Akihisa - Movies & TV Shows - Viki

  • Maybe later. Home>; Shiono Akihisa. Shiono Akihisa塩野 瑛久Japan. 790 followers on Viki. Jan 2, 1995 (age 29). Follow. Share. Shows. About. Discussion. Shows on ...

  • Get to know Shiono Akihisa, from Japan. Shiono Akihisa is known for significant roles in "My Happy Divorced Life" and "Brother Trap". Uncover insights into the off-screen life of Shiono Akihisa and stay updated on their most recent works, all on Viki.

Shiono Akihisa - Movies & TV Shows - Viki

8. 塩野 瑛久 - Douga.com 動画

  • 固有名詞: 塩野 瑛久. 出生時の名前: Akihisa Shiono. 国籍: 日本の俳優. ♥ 104 いいね. 投票編集. 塩野 瑛久 について. 塩野瑛久は、日本の俳優、モデルである。中学卒業 ...

  • 塩野瑛久は、日本の俳優、モデルである。中学卒業後、高校には進学せず、実家が経営する飲食店業を手伝う。店の客や母親の勧めで、2011年に開催された第24回ジュノン・スーパーボーイ・コンテストに応募し、審査員特別賞とAOKI […]

塩野 瑛久 - Douga.com 動画
Akihisa Shiono (塩野瑛久) Drawing (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.